Welcome to Substack, Hannah!

I feel this rebirth also, but what are we being reborn into? Perhaps we cannot really know.

"When I acknowledge what another sees— and understand that reality is deep and wide and circular and layered and, how do we know?"

I can relate to this, and when we relax our perspectives and convictions - or find them shattered by cognitive dissonance - it can feel like a loss. If I cannot rely on what I believed to be true, then how can I really know anything?

But...as you say...there is experience. We are embodied beings. And we are surrounded by embodied beings - flowers, trees, birds - on a planet built of living, dynamic systems. And that is a common experience, one not defined by religion or philosophy or politics. And from this foundational level arises a deeper truth, one that has the potential to bridge our divides and bring an end to the separation that is at the root of fear and violence and isolation.

I look forward to following your journey of rebirthing and ripening!

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Yes, what we are being reborn into- maybe it is different for each of us, or maybe it's like actual birth, simply a new way of being, and it takes time and learning to grow and orient ourselves into this new world and though most knowledge and embodied understanding is the same, our pace and the expression of that can look different...

And for what you say about dissonance, for sure, it's a stripping process to come to this place, I have spent a lot of time in confusion as I went through it. And of course, I know, I will continue to come to the epiphany of not knowing.

I love your hope for bridging divides created from these embodied truths! Thank you so much for commenting and sharing. Happy to share the fruit with you!

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